#104 What is your ideal future self?
Build a model that represents your ideal future self, to show your path forward. 理想の未来の自分とは? #103 How can we make sure new technologies are available and easy to use for everyone, regardless of their background or location? Exploring Creativity Through LE ...
#105 Your greatest achievement.
Today, we're exploring the concept of greatest achievements with you, diving into your world and how challenges, skills, and outcomes have shaped your journey. What would you say is your greatest achievement? #104 What is your ideal future self? Exploring ...
#106 The most unforgettable event in your life.
Create a model that represents the most unforgettable event in your life. To capture the feelings and significance of that moment. Describe what this moment means to you and how the design elements of your model reflect it. あなたの人生のなかで、いちばん忘れられない出来事はなんですか。 ...
#107 Something unique about the culture of the area in which you live.
Build a model that represents something unique about the culture of the area in which you live. (It could be something that is different from the rest of the country, or something that people of other countries may be surprised to learn. ) 自分の住んでいるところの、ユニ ...
#108 Today, it is your last day to live in your home country.
Due to work or studies, you are going to leave your home town (or your country). Build a model that shows the one single thing you want to do before leaving your home environment. 今日は、あなたが日本で暮らす最後の日です。日本を出る前にやっておきたいことはなんですか?1つだけ選んでください。モデルをつくって話しましょう。(フラン ...
I will remind you 【A】 every day.
A = the tasks assigned to you our project timeline that we are on a journey, each day, and each of us has a role to play, so let me send this to you (every day.) [ays_quiz id='2'] 関連ワード 例文 会話意訳 ボキャブラリーを声にだそう。会話するつもりで文を作って話してみよう。 Tasks Assignments Responsi ...
You felt happy after receiving the good news.
What was the news that you received?
How to use GET and GIVE. GETとGIVEの使い方。
In the last two weeks, you have experienced a situation where you exchanged with another person what you have. Using either GET or GIVE, please build a model that describes the situation. ........