Today, we're exploring the concept of greatest achievements with you, diving into your world and how challenges, skills, and outcomes have shaped your journey. What would you say is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement is being able to capture and share the "diamonds" in everyday life—those bright, precious moments that inspire and uplift us. Today’s model represents this journey. Using a vibrant array of bricks, it symbolizes the challenges I've faced, the skills I've honed, and the meaningful outcomes I've achieved.

How does the black brick propeller fit into your model?
The black brick propeller symbolizes my camera, the core of my artistic expression. It captures emotions through the lens, allowing me to find and highlight those diamonds in people and nature. By focusing on these bright and precious moments, I hope to inspire others to recognize the beauty and positivity around them.

That’s inspiring! Can you explain how your model reflects these aspects of your achievement?
The colourful base of the model represents the range of emotions, characters, and strengths I've encountered. Each brick symbolizes a different aspect of these experiences, coming together to form a cohesive narrative. The green and light green bricks symbolize calmness, a reminder of the tranquil moments in my journey.

How do you hope viewers will connect with your work?
I wish viewers to see that there are always moments of beauty and inspiration around us, even in challenges. By sharing my perspective, I hope to encourage others to find and cherish the brightness in our own lives.

#104 What is your ideal future self?
Exploring Creativity Through LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
Today I made a model representing my greatest achievement. This is a photograph. My greatest achievement is photography. Sometimes when I try to communicate with people, I have trouble communicating. As a child, I was outside the circle of children. I was the only one standing outside the circle in the classroom. But I like to see their expressions and their behaviour. That is my path to growth. So it's my strength. What are my strengths? It's a challenge, but it's also my strength. When I took the photo, I didn't know what the person was thinking or thinking at the time. But later I saw the photograph. I can tell from the expression on the person's face what he or she is feeling. I like to see people's happy faces and smiles. Sometimes people express their emotions with their faces. It doesn't mean anything. It means they are smiling, happy and smiling to themselves. They remember something, feel something, have a good memory or something, feel an emotion. People create emotions through their faces. Of course, most of the time they make emotional faces at other people, but sometimes they make emotional faces at themselves. To see ourselves…
The basis of the model is bright colours: pink, blue, orange and blue. The words represent a circle of children. It's not a circle, it's communication. It represents communication with others. There are different types of them. I like to see the whole picture because each one has its own diamonds. Because each one has its own star. The black propeller represents photography. I took my camera and took pictures. I like people and our surroundings. Not only nature but also people. I think people are part of nature. I took photos from the world where I was. With a camera, I have encountered photography. Photography can capture emotions through people's faces. I sometimes find emotions in people's faces. That is the emotional face of a person through their face towards themselves. Not only emotional faces towards others but sometimes also emotional faces towards themselves. It means remembering something good or feeling good. And, of course, challenges. Through photography, we feel a step closer to the other person's face. We can communicate through photographs.